Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
199 lines
{$M 2048,0,655360}
PROGRAM mrgdemo(input, output); (* compiled on TP5.0 *)
(* Demonstrating the use of mergesort on linked lists *)
(* We are using a packed representation of the A..Z alphabet *)
(* This is based on Sedgewicks (Algorithms) descriptions. *)
(* You can easily get to 20 or 30000 items. This demo will *)
(* only create about 180 items with the heap limit at 6000. *)
(* Public Domain, by C.B. Falconer, 1:141/209.1@fidonet *)
(* {} at left margin marks non-std portability problems. *)
(* Any others should be resolvable by creating procs/types *)
(* On my 8mhz V20 XT system, executes as follows: *)
(* items creation time sorting time *)
(* ----- ------------- ------------ *)
(* 10 0.013 Sec. 0.010 Sec. *)
(* 100 0.117 Sec. 0.164 Sec. *)
(* 500 0.582 Sec. 1.050 Sec. *)
(* 2500 2.903 Sec. 6.407 Sec. *)
(* 12500 14.502 Sec. 38.028 Sec. *)
(* (FULL) 33874 38.028 Sec. 113.692 Sec. *)
(* which shows the n*log(n) behaviour of the algorithm. *)
{}USES (* all public domain *)
{} txtfiles, (* for fptr, skipblks, readwd *)
{} uclock, (* for clock, microsecond timing *)
{} errmsgs, (* for full runtime error display *)
{} mrgsort; (* for sort, greaterf, null *)
minchar = 'A';
maxchar = 'Z'; (* underlying continuous char set assumed *)
packing = 3; (* chars per packed word *)
pksize = 4;
alfalen = 12; (* (packing * pksize), ref. only *)
maxword = 65535;
pkword = integer;
pkindex = 1..pksize;
alfaptr = ^alfa;
alfa = RECORD (* must agree with link in mrgsort *)
next : alfaptr; (* i.e. this MUST be first field *)
index : word;
s : ARRAY[pkindex] OF pkword;
END; (* alfa *)
root : alfaptr; (* of the monster list *)
chrmax : integer; (* handy size of char coding *)
maxcount : word; (* how big to make the list *)
ended : real; (* for routine timing only *)
{} relation : greaterf; (* TP can't pass procedures, only ptrs *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE buildlist(root : alfaptr);
margin = 2048;
pkmax : integer;
count : word;
BEGIN (* buildlist *)
pkmax := succ(chrmax) * succ(chrmax) * succ(chrmax);
count := 0;
WHILE (memavail > margin) AND (count < maxcount) DO BEGIN
new(root^.next); root := root^.next; root^.next := null;
count := succ(count); root^.index := count;
FOR j := 1 TO pksize DO root^.s[j] := random(pkmax); END;
ended := clock;
IF memavail <= margin THEN write('(FULL) ');
write(count : 1, ' items created');
END; (* buildlist *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE dump(items : alfaptr);
n : word;
(* 2---------------2 *)
j : pkindex;
(* 3---------------3 *)
PROCEDURE dump3(w : pkword);
i : 1..packing;
ch : ARRAY[1..packing] OF char;
BEGIN (* dump3 *)
FOR i := 1 TO packing DO BEGIN
ch[i] := chr(w MOD succ(chrmax));
w := w DIV succ(chrmax); END;
FOR i := packing DOWNTO 1 DO
write(chr(ord(ch[i]) + ord(minchar)));
END; (* dump3 *)
(* 3---------------3 *)
BEGIN (* dump12 *)
write(n : 6, ' ', items^.index : 6, ' ');
FOR j := pksize DOWNTO 1 DO dump3(items^.s[j]);
END; (* dump12 *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
BEGIN (* dump *)
n := 0;
WHILE items <> null DO BEGIN
n := succ(n); dump12; items := items^.next;
IF n MOD 3 = 0 THEN writeln; END;
IF n MOD 3 <> 0 THEN writeln;
END; (* dump *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION gety(prompt : string) : boolean;
(* true if user enters 'y' or 'Y', else false *)
BEGIN (* gety *)
write(prompt); skipblks(input);
IF eoln THEN gety := false
ELSE gety := upcase(fptr(input)) = 'Y';
END; (* gety *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
{$f+} (* passed functions MUST be far *)
FUNCTION greater(thing, than : pointer) : boolean;
(* This is the time bind - make assy language. This *)
(* will later be passed in as a param to mrgsort *)
LABEL 9, 10;
k : pkindex;
(* These gyrations bypass type checking, and describe *)
(* the actual pointer type that mrgsort will call with *)
{} a : alfaptr ABSOLUTE thing;
{} b : alfaptr ABSOLUTE than;
BEGIN (* greater *)
greater := true;
FOR k := pksize DOWNTO 1 DO (* Check most sig. first *)
IF a^.s[k] > b^.s[k] THEN GOTO 10
ELSE IF a^.s[k] < b^.s[k] THEN GOTO 9;
9: greater := false;
10: END; (* greater *)
{$r+,s+,f-} (* put the options back *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
BEGIN (* mrgdemo *)
{}relation := greater; (* init the procedural pointer *)
new(root); root^.next := null; (* using sentinels *)
chrmax := ord(maxchar) - ord(minchar); (* randomize; *)
write('How many items to create (5 min) ? ');
readwd(input, maxcount); readln;
UNTIL maxcount >= 5;
write('Building ... ');
begun := clock;
buildlist(root); (* just to create something to sort *)
ended := clock;
writeln(' in ', (ended - begun) * 3600 : 1 : 3, ' seconds');
IF gety('Dump list (y/N) ?') THEN dump(root^.next);
write('Sorting ... ');
begun := clock;
(* Here we do all the real work *)
root^.next := sort(root^.next, relation);
ended := clock;
writeln(' done in ', (ended - begun) * 3600 : 1 : 3, ' seconds');
IF gety('Dump list (y/N) ?') THEN dump(root^.next);
END. (* mrgdemo *)